About Us

Eddie Weber has been involved in tourism since 2003; first running lodges and hotels in Namibia, Kenya and South Africa; then working as a tour guide for various large and small tour operators in Namibia.

The basic concept of Ongoshi was envisaged –and registered as early as 2013, however Eddie felt that in order to give a guest a really unique and comprehensive experience in Namibia and Botswana, it would be better to see how other tour operators ran their tours, where they went, what they offered and which time spans were involved.

Now, in 2022, the idea and concept have come to fruition. Ongoshi Offroad Expeditions has learned from the good and not so good from many operators in Southern Africa and put together a concept that is focused on small groups with individual attention given to the guest. The activities have been added to give our guests a comprehensive and action-filled tour, while having the comfort and safety of being in the hands of professional guides.

people standing outside of game viewer

Why a guided tour:

Namibia is well known as a safe destination where a guest can travel on his/her own. The comprehensive road network (the best in Africa) gives the guest the chance to travel almost anywhere in this country, thus creating a unique adventure.

However: with almost 49 000 km of roads, most of them gravel, it is a challenge to master the conditions that most of our visitors are not used to. From driving on the other side of the road (Namibia follows the English system of driving on the left side of the road) to learning to react to a vehicle sliding or fishtailing on the loose gravel or judging the time one needs for a specific route, not having driven it before, not knowing the conditions of the road – very often not being exactly sure of where the destination is – these are all elements that can detract from the pleasure of seeing our beautiful country, and can cause a lot of stress, lost booking nights and – god forbid – accidents that could lead to hospitalization.

male lion

With a guided tour a lot of these stress components are taken out of your holiday: